Wicked men been around for ages. What China has Is a social credit score system. If you don't talk right and say the right things, then you are controlled by "BIG GOVERNMENT" on where you can go, fly, ride a train, etc. Controlling the masses with harsh restrictions because one feels they can abuse their authority. China is also putting Weiger Muslims and Christians in internment camps. Some to never see the light of day again. Some having their body parts sold to the highest international bidder.
Yet the U.N. never calls them out, but comes against Israel for defending themselves against attacks from Hamas, while the media demonizes them.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is acting like a dictator, locking up his own citizens, at hotels over covid, and committing all these crimes, and yet he feels like he's a self apointed Version of Stallin or Hitler. Oppression of people is never good. It only makes people rise up in defiance against you, when you had enough. And rightfully so.
But we have to pray for these power hungry tyrants. God has given them space to repent. Because if they don't, they will perish in their sins. We don't have to fear, but trust God, for he will take care of us and fight our battles! Even when it seems that evil may go unpunished, GOD IS WATCHING!! And those who think they are getting away with their evil deeds are in for a rude awkening. Remember:"What's done in the dark, will eventually come to light", as the bible says. No matter if the lamestream media. Social media platforms or anybody else is ordered to cover up for these criminals. God will expose them, whether this life or the next. And they will stand before the Almighty God to give account for the things done on earth against his fellow man.
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr