Well, my friends! '2023! We are off to a new year! All the resolutions and commitments made that include the letter "I". It is when we say "I", that we have to be careful. Why? Because are we focusing on self to be better, grow, overcome, etc. ? Jesus said "Without me, ye can do nothing". John 15:5
Jesus is the true vine, and we are the branches. Everything we are. Everything we overcame is because of Christ and the finished work at the cross! So if Christ is the "True Vine", and we are the branches, then that means we must stay plugged into Christ. Listen. A fan, microphone, computer, or anything that needs a wall outlet needs Power to operate and run off of. This is why we stay plugged into The Vine(Jesus),because everyday we must trust in the finished work of Christ and the Cross. As the Bible says"the just shall live by faith". Faith in what? Faith in Christ and all that he has accomplished at Calvary! So when we are now resting in Christ and what he's done, then we will come to understand that there is nothing that we have to do to add to what he's done. Especially when he said"It Is Finished". Glory to God! You're trying to lose weight, deal with your anger, big mouth, unforgiveness, fear, hurts from the past, sexual lust, and the list goes on. But yet, many say "I'm going to do this, and "I'm going to do that", and in reality, WE AREN'T GOING TO DO NOTHING, BUT FALL ON OUR FACES, and find ourselves selves right back in that same position where we started. Why? Because what or who is are faith in? You can turn spiritual disciplines that we do as Christians in to a work(s) if you're not careful. Well, should I read my bible? Should I pray? Should I fast? Yes! Yes! And Yes! BUT. If you're not careful, you can turn those spiritual disciplines into a work. When "I" say that I must read 4 chapters a day to be more holy or overcome something I am dealing or struggling with. Or when "I" believe it's by me praying longer or how beautiful I prayed. Or when "I" feel that after this amazing 40 day fast that "I" finished, that God now owes me x amount of power and Victory. Then I am sadly mistaken. God doesn't operate like that. We are approaching God the wrong way!
By means of the law and not by faith. You see: It's not about how long I pray, because if I'm not careful, then I can eventually start to put faith in my prayers instead of the one I'm(God)that I'm praying to. If I'm not care, "I" can eventually begin to put my faith in my fasting, instead of the Lord(Jesus)that I'm fasting unto. If I'm not careful, I can begin to put faith in how much I'm reading the word, instead of the Jesus who is the "center peice" of the word from Genesis to Revelation. Everything I'm dealing with, wrestling with, struggling with, the Cross of Christ is the Answer! As the Apostle Paul said in Galatians5:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not "I", but Christ liveth in me, and the life which "I" NOW live in the flesh, "I" live BY FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD, who loved me and gave himself for me"!
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr.