After reading Ist Corinthians 3:1-9, we see there was a division amongst the people in the local church. People choosing and selecting favorites, between the Apostle Paul, and a Preacher named Apollos. It's human nature to draw to certain people who teaches the word of God to us, because we may be drawn to a certain way they preach, topics they preach on, beliefs, the anointing on their life and their Ministry. Or something else. When we allow ourselves to be partial to certain speakers or preachers, we automatically exclude others who may be called by God that has a message to give us. What we then do is close our spirit up from receiving because we already have a made up mind not to hear what the other messenger of God has to say. God doesn't want us to be divided like the flock was in this passage of scripture, but to be United. One is called to plant, and some are called to water. But God gives the increase, as the scriptures say. Most of all, the foundation for what we believe and do must be built on Jesus Christ, because he is the great Master Builder. We as the body of Christ has to be in one accord. We don't have to agree on everything but agree on the essentials of the Gospel. Sadly, many(not all) in the body of Christ fight over certain doctrines that are not essential to salvation and use that as a point of contention, to be separatists and remain divided. Here's an example. Some believe in speaking in tounges, and some don't. Some(not all) on both sides have been staunch in their beliefs, and hard on each other and say"well if you don't see it my way, then we can't have fellowship". Here is another one. Pre, Mid, or Post Tribulation Rapture beliefs. I've seen some have huge fall outs with each other over topics and teachings in the Bible, that has nothing to do with salvation. In other words:"It's not a heaven or hell issue". We should not be ignorant of Satan's devices as Paul said. Satan wants nothing more than to divide and keep us divided so that we as the Church a.k.a. "The Body of Christ", would not come together in the name, power, authority, and love of Jesus Christ. We can't not lose focus of what we are here to do because, if we remain divided and cannot come together to win souls, or pray together, or fellowship because one is of a certain denomination or non-denominational background, then we lost focus, and missed the point of why we are all called to the great commission. Lastly, if the world sees that "the church" doesn't show love(of God) to each other, then what message are we sending them? Something to think about!!!
Blessings in Jesus name,
Pastor Barry Lipscomb, Jr.