As we read Palms 37:3-7, it's important that we get some of the nuggets and truths of God's word out of this passage. In verse 3 the keyword is "trust". In verse 4 the keyword is "delight". In verse 5 the keyword is "commit". Last but not least, in verse 7 the keyword is "rest". God wants us to "trust" in him, Even when it seems like the odds are stacked against us. Jesus is our hope and our refuge. Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 says:" Now until him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think". There may be giants and mountains that you are facing. But they don't stand a chance against the name and the power of Jesus Christ! Jesus is the mountain mover! So it's wrong to think that your situation will never change because God knows how to deliver us! We just have to trust in him. "Delight " Yourself in the Lord, Because when you are happy Or excited about the Lord, He can give you the desires of your heart as a says in verse 4 Because then, he knows you are after his heart and not after his hand. In other words, Lord what can you do for me/give me-give me type of prayers, etc. When you "commit" to the Lord, You have a made-up mind, and heart That you are going to serve the Lord no matter what the circumstance, and that you won't live for God based on conditions. When you "Rest" in the Lord, And wait patiently on Him, You enter into the peace that only God can give you when you are completely trusting him For a breakthrough, Or whatever the case may be. When we "rest" in the Lord and wait on him, God does what he wants to do "in his time" and not our own. Because his timing is perfect, and God is never ever late!
-Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr.