We are continuing on the topic of Revival. Revival comes from the root word "revive". Some definitions of the word "revive" is to:
1)Bring back to life or consciousness. Resuscitate.
2)To give new birth, strength, or spirit to.
3)To restore to use, currency, activity, or notice.
(New American Dictionary)
God wants to bring a cold, thirsty, and dry Christian back to life! God wants to put that Holy Ghost fire, joy, and zeal back in your spiritual step, hallelujah! That little, tiny, candle size flame of yours, he wants to turn into a burning Forrest for His Glory!
Revival first takes place from within, where God does a work in us, and on us. Then Revival comes corporately after. God wants to renew you! Restore you! Replenish you! Rejuvenate you! Reinvigorate you! Reunite and Rekindle the burning flame within you!
Revival is contagious if we are thirsty for God's spirit. Matthew 5:6 says: "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled".
God is looking for those that are hungry and thirsty for More of Him! There has to be a "Holy Desperation". Are you "desperate" for God? Just like the song says, "This is the air I breathe. Your Holy Presence, living in me". You know the rest of the song, haha! But the chorus says"And I.........I'm desperate for you"! And I......I'm lost without you". King David said in Psalms 42:1"As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul longeth after thee".
King David was desperate for The Spirit of The True And Living God! You may be spiritually barren, but God wants to make you full again. Where your cup runneth over! You may be thirsty and dry, but Jesus can refill your cup and pour himself afresh all over you again in such a mighty, wonderful, and refreshing way! He is the Living water! He is the Bread of Life! God wants to resurrect back to life some things that should have never died. And He wants to put to death somethings that should've never came alive. John 3:30 says "I must decrease, but He must increase".
God wants you to come a away with a fresh, deeper, and for some that get saved, a new found love for Him! God wants to not only see your thirst and hunger for him, but to satisfy it as well! As the scripture says, "He satisfy my soul"! The Lord wants you to seek Him like never before and Persuing his heart, not just his hand.
Seek God now, while he may be found! Call on him! Lord send revival! Send revival! Revival Fire, fall on us!!
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr