Galatians chapter 6 verse 14 says: ”But God for bid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified on to me, and I unto the world. After we give our heart and our life‘s over to Jesus, sometimes people get the idea that we got it from here. But we cannot save ourselves so we don’t have it from here. God didn’t save us so that we could just survive on our own. But he saved us, and He also sanctifies us! And the same one(Jesus)who sanctifies us is the same one who justifies us! The same one who justifies us, is the same one who redeemed us! Jesus our Lord!
When Paul said that he "boast" or glories in the cross, he was referring to the work that was accomplished at Calvary, and not referring to the wooden beam itself. Everything we have in God, through Jesus Christ is because of the finish work on the cross! When Jesus said "it is finished", he meant exactly what he said. I don’t go to the Lord for salvation, and then go somewhere else for healing. I don’t go somewhere else from that point for deliverance, provision, or anything that I need pertaining to life and living in my spiritual, physical, or financial state of being. Everything that I receive from God is on the basis of faith. For the just shall live by faith! Faith in what? Faith in the finished work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Psalms 103:1-2 says “Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless his Holy name. Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits”. There’s benefits with salvation and knowing Jesus as Savior and the Lord of your life! Just like a job comes with benefits and other things may come with benefits. Having a personal relationship with God has benefits as well because everything that Jesus has purchased for us was done at the cross! Our salvation, our healing(spiritual,physical, mental), our deliverance, and so much more! Joy, peace, hope, love, etc. He mends the broken heart, and restores our soul. With Jesus it’s just like going to Walmart, which is like one stop shopping! In other words what I’m trying to say is everything that I need, God has provided through His son Jesus' finished work at the cross. This is why Paul says he boast and brag on what Jesus has done, and not himself. Because if he could do with Jesus did, then there will be no need for Jesus going to the cross. So we need to rest in what Jesus has accomplished for us at Calvary! Because Jesus already did the heavy lifting, all we have to do "by faith" is walk in the Victory that he has already given us and knowing that the cross(i.e. finished work)is more than enough.
-Barry Lipscomb Jr.