As we read Daniel chapter 3: We see the 3 Hebrew boys(Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) were not compliant with the Mandate to bow down and worship the false gods of King Nebuchadnezzar. They already had a made-up mind to stand for God, even till the point of death. There are people losing their life for the sake of the gospel all around the world, even as you read this blog. Friends may disown you, the family may abandon you, and co-workers have nothing to do with you. But when it's for Christ's sake, then blessed, are you! As you read on, in Daniel chapter 3, you'll see that God was with the 3 Hebrew boys till the end. When it's our time to go, then it's our time. But until then, we always have to have a made-up heart and mind, to be ready to stand for Jesus, and Him alone.