Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus! As we continue in this 3rd blog, lets continue to read with spiritual eyes and understand. Pray and ask for discernment, because the Bible says that "we have the mind of Christ". Now. A well known doctor said this. "There is no question, there is going to be a challenge for the coming administration(Trumps)in the area of infectious diseases. There will be a surprise(planned)outbreak. There is no doubt in anyone's mind about this". This was Doctor Fauci at Georgetown University in February of 2017. As a matter of fact. This Operation lockstep has been in the works since 2013 or longer, through the Rockefeller Foundation. Melinda Gates said "An engineered virus is humanities greatest threat". That's right! Created viruses and vacancies they helped to create with the other powers that be to control and ultimately kill off humanity. Bill and then wife Melinda Gates guaranteed an eminent, global pandemicin 2018 was on it's way that could wipe out 30 million people. Of course, they have to plan out scenarios and run simulations and exercises before they "Go Live" with an Operation, such as "Operation Lockstep" in this case. They have to have the "lamestream media" on board to spread lies and disinformation about covid deaths and cases so they can have and push for more lockdowns and control of your lives which is unconstitutional in America and in general against humanity. But if you love freedom, the 2nd amendment, Jesus, and the Bible, you are a terrorist according to the marxist Biden administration, and the United Nation. If you want country sovereignty, you are evil because you don't want to submit to the W.H.O. and the United Nations, as our "Resident of the United States", Joe Biden is desiring to do. I didn't vote for the W.H.O. We Will continue on in the next blog.......