1st Timothy 1:7 says that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and a sound mind". With that being said, my goal and desire isn't to put fear into your hearts, but to make you aware. The Bible clearly states for us to "watch and pray" and to "look up, for our redemption draws nigh(near). So we are to be aware of what is going on, so we know how to pray about the situation. Everything that happens around us, must be examined with spiritual eyes. It's important that we operate with and understand things with the mind of Christ. To see things from God's point of view. Having said that let's continue. Covid originated in China in which the Obama administration and Dr.Fauci had funded a lab in Wuhan, China. Over 500 doctors said and declared that covid-19 is a "scam agenda" and a "global crime". In Spain, Dr.'s Cor Truth said "covid-19 is a false pandemic, created for political purposes". They urged the "poli-trick-ians",media and other Drs. To stop the operation by spreading truth. The mainstream media didn't tell you that. Now they're getting ready to hit the USA with the money pox pandemic. While WHO(WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) is about to possibly be given illegal authority over the us to declare health lock downs for 194 countries including the USA. We will continue in the next blog...
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr