The Devil and his minions are trying to distract those in the body of Christ. Getting them to fight and clash over petty things. We can't be ignorant of Satan's devices. Unity in the Body of Christ and our individual houses where we habitate is key. We have to keep the bigger picture in mind, which is to see souls saved, discipled, and sent to do the work of the kingdom of God!
When we take care of God's business, he takes care of ours, in every aspect of that phrase. Don't get discouraged in well doing, because you will reap in due season, if you don't faint (give up). The cross before us, and the world is behind us. Our dirty past, and even the mistakes we made yesterday as a child of God need to be put behind us, so we may run this race and finish strong by Gods grace! You may feel like quitting something important in your life, but I say "don't do it"!
Persevere! Stand firm! Hold fast! Stand strong! God will be with you. Even when your mind feels bombarded with distracting thoughts and images. Cast them down in Jesus Christ mighty Name!
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr