Ephesians 5:16 says "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil"! The days, which are the "Last of the last days", are certainly evil, and our time is getting shorter by the minute, Spiritually speaking. We have to be Spiritually aware of the times we are living in, and remember why we are still here on this earth. God has called us for a purpose, and that is to do his will and be about the Heavenly Father's business. So What's His will? Win souls, make disciples of Christ Jesus, and build the Kingdom of God. In the Lord's prayer, Jesus said"Thy will be done, thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven". One way or the other, God's will shall be done. But the body of Christ must awake out of its sleep and move with the spirit of urgency because the clock is Ticking, the bell is about to ring, and the Trump of God is about to sound! The days, weeks, and years are accelerating faster than ever, so we must get busy because this thing is coming to a close one day. Whenever that is, is up to God, but make good use of the time that God has given you and let's ALL DO SOMETHING FOR THE LORD!!!
-Barry Lipscomb Jr