O•ver•flow- To exceed and top over, surpass and or exceed capacity.
God want's us to overflow with all he wants us to have and to be. More of his power, love, joy, etc. More anointing, and presence of his Holy Spirit! More growth and going on to the next level in the spirit. God wants you to go deeper with him to where you are overflowing in him! As Psalms 23:5 says"my cup runneth over". When you cannot contain anyone of what's been pour into you, then it will run over and out of the vessel. God want's us to be vessels for his honor and glory! Vessels of righteousness. Everything he is, and wants us to experience and have, God wants to release into our life, fill to the brim, running over, and spilling onto others around us!
Blessings, Barry Lipscomb Jr