Proverbs 4:23(KJV)says: "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life". It's important that we guard our heart because what we allow inside of it can edify or contaminate it. Things we look at or see with our eyes and hear with our ears, (for example) are gateways to the heart. With all the perversion and filth on T.V., radio, books, magazines, and social media these days, it's a challenge and full-time job to gaurd our hearts before the Lord. The enemy is always looking for a crack or wedge to slip in. When we watch things that don't glorify God, it grieves the Holy Ghost which He has given us as His dear children. We don't ever want to get to a place where we become desensitized and unbothered by nudity, massive amounts of heavy profanity all through the movie, dirty/filthy jokes, and other raunchy and ungodly behaviors. That can be a dangerous place we arrive at, when it doesn't affect us. Now I'm not saying that you'll never here a curse word in a movie, but God gave you common sense and discernment to understand when and where to draw the line spiritually speaking. We want to be pure vessels that God can flow through, and use. We must ever be aware not to allow the wells of our lives to get dry, clogged up, or empty. Guard your heart also from jealousy, envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, and petty offenses. These are roads that will lead to spiritual pain, bondage, and for some even destruction.
Barry Lipscomb Jr