Psalms 46:10 tells us to "Be Still and Know that I am God"! That is powerful! Yet, we can hear or read this scripture many times and not get the revelation of it. If the earth is the Lord's and the fullness, therefore. If God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, which is no limitation. Then certainly he can show up and show out in your situation(s). Don't stop praying because you didn't see the results of what you're believing God for in your life, Nation, community, family, job, etc. The world would say it like this: "It's not over till the fat lady sings". And she certainly has not sung yet. But the godly way is to phrase it like this: "It's not over, till God says it's over"! So be of good cheer, and know that your life is in God's hands. Your life and destiny does not revolve around who's in the White House, who's got the position you wanted, but didn't get. Your destiny and calling does not revolve around all the bills that's stacked against you, your marriage that is on life support, or out of control family members or co-workers that are driving you Crazy. Be still, and know that He is God! This is why we must continue to "pray through", "praise through", and if God tells you to fast, then be obedient and do so. God is still in the delivering business! He wants to save the day like Superman! As Dottie Peoples said, "He may not be there when you want Him, but is right on time. He's an on-time God, yes He is"! Glory to God! Let the Lord's peace sweep over your soul right now. Even when things look crazy and shaky out there, and you don't want to face tomorrow. Because God lives, you can face tomorrow! Nothing takes God by surprise, because He already knew about it before that day arrived. So release praise, prayers, and thanksgiving into the atmosphere(spirituality speaking). The Bible says: "When the Praises go up, then the Blessings come down"! There's Power in your praise and worship. Always remember God is still on the Throne, and He never fell off of it. Nor will He ever!