In the last days, the Word of God says there will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in different places. Some places that you'd never expect. Look at Melbourne, Australia for example after a large anti lockdown rally because of tyranny and cruel covid-19 restrictions. La Palama islands volcano and other that are on the edge of blowing. Near asteroid misses to the earth. Grounds opening up with huge sinkholes all over the world. Not to mention man made food shortages and fake, man-made water crises. China getting ready to invade Taiwan and many countries taking sides with rising conflicts. Now, mandatory vaccination mandates wich violates the Nuremberg code, constitution rights and freedoms of human beings which is downright criminal. The devil knows his time is getting shorter, so he's on the move. But God is too, and he's still saving souls. We have to realize what time it is in the spiritual sense, get and keep our hearts right with God. Seek him like never before. The trumpet is going to blow one day soon!