Righteous living is of great benefit to the believer, both now and into eternity. The believer first experiences the righteousness of God at salvation. It is at that moment that God imputes to the believing sinner the righteousness of Christ. A position of righteousness is granted based solely upon the individual's faith in Christ. This position can only be eliminated by the absence of the faith that first established it. Justification is not lost because of a single act of sin. God does not discard us when we fail. Based upon our faith and needful repentance, He continually transforms the believer into the image of Christ through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Righteousness is then both imputed and constantly experienced in the daily life. The believer whose position and condition is being affected through simple faith and the application of God’s grace, learns to walk righteous before God. When this person cries out to God in a time of trouble, God will both hear and answer. No, we do not have to be perfect for God to respond to our need. But the believer’s position of righteousness coupled with the spiritual condition of progressive growth always holds God’s attention. And righteousness is required to make heaven our eternal home!
Psalm 37:39 - But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.
Loren Larson