During this time of Corona virus and the "plandemic", there are a group of christians that are very dogmatic when it comes to not wearing mask, to the point that they will say some don't have faith if they wear them. And You have another group that will say you are not looking out for others and almost treat you like a murderer if you don't wear masks. I will say to both sides that you have to have a heart of understanding. Because everybody's level of faith is on a different level. So what we have to do is teach people through educating them on the mask. The good, the bad, And the ugly. Mask have their benefits and served their purpose. But there's a lot of reasons why mask don't need to be made mandatory. And whenever a governor, Mayor, or city council tries to mandate mask, then they are stepping over the line, acting authoritarian. 1st of all, there is a lot of fake science out there and faked statistics. They are are constantly saying that counts are going up for people being diagnosed with the Corona virus, But the models don't even add up. The CDC has been adding in numbers along with local health institutions admitting that they are counting 15 people to every one person who has cauvet 19 almost , and almost 30 to 1 person in some instances. This is Fraud to the highest degree. And we have so many people panicking, living in fear. Even those in the body of Christ. If people would be scared to die and go to h*** as they would have the Corona virus which is very exaggerated, there maybe a lot of people would come to Jesus Christ.
But because the powers that be are using the media to control the sheep by fear, then there is a lot of in fighting in the body of Christ and those who are not in the body of Christ on this issue. Because when you don't have the truth, and no spiritual discernment or insight on the situation, then you are left in a dark. God is not the Author of confusion. And satan is doing a good job using his Hench men to push this narrative on the people. So this will be an on going battle until people wake up to the reality of what's really going on. All we can do as Christians is pray and ask God for his wisdom and discernment if we really want the truth.
Let the peace of God, is love and understanding rule in our hearts to where we show love to each other in and outside the body of Christ.