When you begin there is an end. But there's not an end until you 1st begin. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Our salvation begins with Jesus and it ends with Jesus. There Will be trials and hardships. But that's called life. God wants us to continue in Him. Jesus said"without me you can do nothing". So it's God who saves us and keeps us! He will all so strengthen us when we need his strength. If you are not going forward then you are not continuing. Each day we have to keep our eyes face forward towards the cross. As the song says "the cross before us, and the world behind us". Though none go with me, still I will follow. You have to continue walking with the Lord and living for Jesus, even when nobody else wants to. Sometimes you may feel like throwing in the towel/ tying to towel you but asked for God's grace and keep moving forward in Jesus' name.