John 8:31-32"Then Jesus said to those Jews whiched believed on him, if you Continue in my word, you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free"!
Less than one percent of the Bible is given over to the principal of how to be saved. More of the Bible is given to the teaching of how to live saved, and how to walk with God. So getting saved isn't the hard part. Therefore, 85 to 90 percent of the Bible gives us instruction on how to live for and walk with God, through faith in Christ Jesus. Some would say that it's not enough to be saved or born again. I understand what they're trying to say, but the statement in itself is "WRONG". IT IS ENOUGH TO BE SAVED!
The person saying that means that there's more to to the Christian life (post salvation). Jesus told the Jews which expressed faith in him as Messiah and Son of God that they would have to come after him daily. In other words, we have to walk with God everyday. Why? Because we just don't arrive overnight. There's a sanctification process, where we are set apart by God and the precious blood of Jesus so we able to grow in Him, learn of Him, and continually be transformed by the renewal of our mind as it says in Romans 12:1-2. So if you want to know the heart and mind of God, and know him more and more. Then Get in God's word.
Yes, we have to grow in God through Christ Jesus. Not just walk the isle, pray a little prayer, and think that's it, and don't desire to change or grow. The evidence of a changed heart and life is one who truly desires to come after Christ. Will you be perfect? No! Arrive to perfection? No. But we shouldn't use the grace of God as a license to sin, if we truly been born again, because true believers don't willfully, habitually, and intentionally practice a lifestyle of sin, but they are in pursuit of holiness. Even if you sinned in word, thought, or action, be quick to repent of that. To keep your heart right before God and stay in correct relationship with Him. Remember 1st John 1:9 This applies to the believers, not the sinners.
Grace and peace be with you!
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr.