God is moving by the power of His Spirit! He's on the move, even in the midst of the financial lack, lack of food, or lack of anything physical, or monetary. God is not limited by your circumstances. Ephesians 3:20 says"Now unto Him, that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think"!! God is able and can do above and beyond what you can imagine and comprehend. God is about to send Revival, and the Glory of God is about to fill the vessels that want to be filled. The houses that want his Glory. The Fire of God is going to fall in neighborhoods, communities, and on jobs. There will be no limit to where God can move for those who are hungry. God will send breakthroughs in some marriages. Breakthroughs in ministry, healing, and no limit to where and how he can move. We don't need to figure out how he is going to do it, but trust that he's going to do it!