Last week, leading up to the weekend of Memorial Day 2020, President Trump said that "Church is essential". Yes! Church is essential! He also was sharing at a different time in that week that people wanted their houses of worship to be opened. Whether it was a Christian Church, Synagogue, or Islamic Mosque. You have a lady named Shelly Luther who lives in Dallas, TX as a hair designer and Salon owner. She received numerous citations, and would not cease and Desist from running her business because the orders was on constitutional. Yet you have pastors who have no back bone, who are scared to reopen their local houses of worship, because of the wrong information they have been given. So one half of the body of Christ is happy with what the president said, and then the other half is mad and upset. It's shocking to me because you would think that the Pastors would be the most happiest about their flocks being able to gather for worship. But to my surprise, some of them are just as scared, because they say the science doesn't bear out or justify reopening the church. But what they don't understand is that the models are off, and falsified anyways (especially with the other group of doctors who bear that to be true), but they are being censored and silenced by social media in main stream media. So out of FEAR, the Pastors who oppose the President that is standing for the church is scared. Hebrews 10:25 says"Forsake not the assembly of yourselves, as you see the day approaching, which is the manner of such". So it's important for us to be in the house of the Lord together corporately, especially as we see the time getting closer to the coming of the Lord. The scripture says that He(God)inhabits(dwells in)the praises of his people. The Bible also says If there be 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there will I be in the midst of them. We hear these Pastors preach a lot about faith and all the great stories of The Bible concerning trusting God. Now that their faith is being tested many have turned yellow. It's time to see who is really on the Lord's side! If you are scared and a coward then you have no place preaching Pastor. Is time to grow a back bone, and quit being cowardly. We have to walk this walk BY FAITH, and not just talk the talk. So I am stirring up the Pastors that are scared and also the "unbelieving" believers in Christ to stand in Faith and Trust God! Stand for what's right, because worship is a gift from God,not the Government. Remember: The Blood of Jesus has never lost it's Power, and is still greater than ANY SICKNESS OR DISEASE!!! -Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr
