Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 makes it plain and clear that there is a time and place for everything. At what point do we say "enough is enough"? When do we begin to stand up for our freedoms? Talks snd plans are not only happening at a rapid pace to put out a vaccine for covid but now "talks"(worldwide) are happening about mandatory vaccinations. Health I.D. passes, and vax cards in some places(not yet on a nation level). But it always begins with the state ran media. They follow their directions from the hierarchy and big wigs on top, to spew the propaganda, building a case for their sinister agendas. So far, Americans(and the world for that matter)have given up their freedoms without a single shot being made from big government. When is the sleeping giant going to arise? When is the bear going to be poked enough to the point it's fed up, take action, and fight back? There's a famous saying by Benjamin Franklin that goes like this: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserves neither liberty nor safety". We know the virus is real. But the way people responded to it out of fear(because of media), the way this was politicized, and how it was handled by power-hungry Mayors, Governors, and city councilmen, along with big NGOs and corporations have put us into this mess we are in. Most of these hypocrites who are in positions of power such as some Mayors and Governors have been caught more than once, breaking their own edicts and orders. Some may ask: "what about Romans 13"? My reply is Yes, we obey those in authority. But Romans 13 taken out of context by turncoat Pastors is what helped Jews get on the train towards the gulags. When government(s) violate their power, and authority, or pass laws, rules, or regulations that intrude on or abuse the will of the people, we have to draw a line in the sand on what is and is not constitutional. There is another legendary quote that goes like this: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke. So therefore, the small minority will overtake the mass majority if we sit back and continue to comply with unconstitutional orders. John 10:10 says that "Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy(in every sense of those words)". And these oppressive lockdowns have caused hundreds if not thousands of suicides. Telling people to stay in their house or say a mom and pop store is not essential, but big box stores like Walmart and Target are A-ok to remain open is not fair. You're only selecting winners and losers. While they are saying in some cities that church is not essential, but casinos, strip clubs, and liquor stores are essential is all the way backwards. I understand that we have law-abiding citizens worldwide, who never experienced anything of this nature. So of course, the fear of rebellion and civil disobedience is a scary thought because people don't want to go to jail. Yet in many democratic ran States, like New York and California released many inmates, and they have been released from jails and prison because of coronavirus. Yet, these same morons will have their obedient, lapdog police arrest you and throw you in jail for not wearing a mask, curfew violation, or for daring to keep your business open when they say shut down, all because you're trying to survive and feed your family. Our constitutional rights don't get suspended because of a virus. We can't allow our economy to go to hell in a handbasket because of a virus that has a 99 percent survival rate. Thank God for the law enforcement that don't carry out those unconstitutional orders! Don't forget what happened in Germany with the concentration camps, in which there are slight talks about that now. But they say the words "Re-education camps". Concerning those who won't go along with the mask or vaccine agenda. Those who don't learn from their history are bound to repeat it! It's time to stand up, speak out, revolt, and act in civil disobedience where it need to be applied. When people show up and get out in the streets, letting their voices be heard or civily disobeying illegal orders by the masses then dictators and authoritarian leaders will get the picture and back down. But we all have to stand together, and not hang separate. Where we go as a people from this point forward, is based on the stand(s) and actions you take now and tomorrow!
- Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr.