The Jewish Temple institute we're looking for a long time, for Red heifers that would be used for the 3rd temple when it was completed. The heifer(s) would have to be in perfect condition, with no defects. From top to bottom. Not even the hair color could change. The heifers couldn't have done any work, or females ever been pregnant. They are 1 year and one month now. They will be ready for sacrifice at the earliest when they're 2 years and 1day old.
The Jewish Temple Institute found these red heifers down in Texas. So they rushed over by plane to see them and purchased them. They couldn't have tags in their ear as that would make them imperfect. The perfect heifer that is ready for the sacrifice of the 3rd Temple and its ashes will be used for the purification of the temple.
You also have one who is commissioned by the Institute to make the incense for the 3rd Temple. The furniture of the 3rd Temple was dedicated between 3 to 4 years ago. And now to talk of building a train from Ben-Gurion Airport that runs all the way to the Temple. With hopes of completing the railroad by 2023! Just in time for the Passover holiday. These are the signs of the times and Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes!
In His Service,
Pastor Barry Lipscomb Jr.